Life & Work Coaching

My mission is to support people to navigate major transitions in life.

No one wants to feel they lost their way – struggling to thrive in relationships, health, work, our business, our ability to make money.

We can find ourselves waking one day feeling burnt out, lost, unsure what our skills are, lacking in confidence to make decisions, no idea how to find more meaning or direction.

You don’t need to stay stuck in this place. But you do need to take action. And coaching with me will help.

I believe you can’t be too much yourself. That stepping into being more yourself, you will find your slice of genius, you will find what’s meant for you.

I have a raft of experience in life and business, I am an experienced and qualified professional coach, I was an award winning marketing professional for 25 years, my client testimonials and referral rate are superb. Today I help people in two key ways – through life coaching to help you find your direction with confidence; and through working with women who have their own creative business and need a thinking partner, cheer leader, and support with strategy, sales and marketing.

It’s my passion to help people get out of a rut, to create the life they really want, that drives me to do this. I will help you so you can step confidently onto new pathways equipped with your own sense of purpose and meaning. We will explore your expectations of life, thoughts and drivers, to create a personal roadmap to move you towards achieving your ambitions and dreams.

Leadership & Life Coach, navigate change, unblock barriers, find your purpose, create action, Brighton/Cotswolds/London/zoom globally, clients from LA to South Africa, across Europe and the length and breadth of UK. Mum of two, 25 years at senior/director level. 

Read more about me here


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